Friday, September 22, 2006

A new year of dipthongs

A very brief first posting... for the new year of the jews is looming (I can tell, for my throne faces west and I can clearly see the nearest star to earth).

I attended Palindromes Anonymous yesterday, you guessed it, at noon. There were a couple of new members, Bob and Anna, who like me believe something can only be a palindromic if it can be read forwards and backwards on a letter-only basis. Debate ensued as to whether a word palindrome was a true palindrome. Given that the closing of each meeting fits this "true palindrome" definition*, the three of us at least were content that we'd won the debate. As with any think tank, there is no right or wrong; it is the process through which thought is trigerred that is the actual winner (philosophically). Next week's discussion, although not palindromic, is whether the past-tense of focus has a single or double "s".
* Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas.

With kavorka I bid you a bon weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the world of dipthongs and palindromes I am watching my p's and q's in case I overlap a vowel with an accidental consonant.One must be aware of such mistakes.